Have A Nice Day Cafe

Friday, May 06, 2005


One of the facts of living in this society that bothers me the most is the disregard and disrespect of others time. You go to a doctor's office and you might sit there 15 minutes, or you might sit there 3 hours, but the nurse that is managing those patient's knows how long you are going to have to wait, and they don't tell you. They let you sit there, with your small child, with another appointment to go to, and tell you nothing. This is not because of a bad doctor, just a bad office manager. If a doctor takes 30 minutes on average per patient, their patients should be scheduled 30 minutes apart, not 15 minutes. Another good idea is to tell the patient that they have 15 minutes scheduled with the doctor. That way if they have something that they are not telling the person that makes the appointments they will be able to communicate that 15 minutes might not sufficient. I know that obtaining a doctorate is a monumental achievement that takes years of study, concentration, and sacrifice. But this does not give the person with the doctorate the right to mismanage their time and waste others. For example: I had to leave a doctor's office before the doctor could see me at one point because three hours after my scheduled appointment, 40 minutes into waiting in an exam room naked, my 14 month old daughter stood up on a chair and proceeded to fall straight back onto the hard floor and hit the back of her head. I went straight to her doctor's office and had her checked out and home within an hour. I did have a babysitter scheduled for that visit, but she called and cancelled at the last minute. If I would have rescheduled that day which I had to anyway it pushed my annual and my birthcontrol out 3 months. The doctor's office could not make an exception and use time allotted for something else for my annual. Even when this occurred. I now schedule an entire day to receive an annual. No I cannot meet for lunch. I know my appointment is at 9:15, but I still do not plan to get out of there until 2:00. So, for a 15 minute appointment I must take 6 hours out of my day. That is beyond mismanagement. This is disrespect, disregard for others and unethical. Paying a babysitter for an entire day, when you are not using one everyday, is $30- if you can find someone willing to do it. I need to get a different doctor.


Blogger Demanda said...

yes you do need a new doctor, OB's are famous for this kind of experiance, not to mention no bedside mannor no regard for the fact that they are sicking there fingers and shining a bright light into your most personal parts, feeling you up and trying to get all the "students" in the world to sit in on your "visit". its GREAT!

1:56 PM  

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