Have A Nice Day Cafe

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


What is is about the human being that causes us to be so cruel to others. We have a reasoning brain, capable bodies, feelings and emotions. What makes us think that we have the right to hurt someone else. We hurt other people because they don't look like us, don't act like us, or if people don't think like us. I find myself in the middle of all these battles (of words) between black and white issues, gay and straight issues, conservative and liberal issues, and religious differences, really any difference that we have we like to fight about. I believe that the founders of at least this country (USA) said, ok the government will let people live and do whatever they want, as long as they are not hurting anyone else, and don't fight. I don't understand why someone would get beat to a "bloody pulp" because they are white, black, gay, from a different religion, or in any other way not like the people around them. Why does someone being different than you, or feeling, or wanting something different than you excite so much violence in ones heart. Really, if you were the minority, would you want to be beat up for being (the majority now) white, prodestant, God fearing, blue collar worker. That sounds rediculous, right. Even right here in my own life my in-laws hate it that I choose not to eat pork. I just happen to not like it. But because food is so much a part of family gatherings it has made them mad that I would not eat the ham someone had prepared. Mad, what do they care what I put into my own body? They care, so why aren't they happy that I have made a healthier choice for me. My own mother is enraged that I have chosen to let my daughter, not only play with, but be good friends with my neighbor-who happens to be African-American and yes, they are really first generaltion from Africa. My mother thinks that I should teach my daughter to fear and hate people that are any darker than an Italian. This sound rediculous to me. I say, let people live and make there own choices, as long as they are not harming others. I say, if you think someone is "sinning" and not living the way that you think that they should don't beat them, love them-because if there actions or the way they look excites anger in you-you care, and you would never harm someone that you care about.